Astrological Forecast for November

As the month progresses, we’re moving out of the powerful energy of the Taurus solar eclipse. The eclipse set the foundational energy of what’s to come throughout this month. The Taurus eclipse highlighted areas of our lives that lacked stability, substance, and self-preservation. You may have experienced a realization of what’s no longer working in your life, what’s been slowly draining your energy in the background, or the lack of creativity you’ve experienced lately. Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio on November 11th. Venus is associated with creativity, love, passion, relationships, and pleasure. Because Venus rules Taurus, this transit is helping to inspire you after feeling the powerful effects of the solar eclipse. Scorpio digs deep into the darkest aspects of you, shining a light on what you’ve suppressed or withheld from yourself. During this time, you’re being called to accept what gives you pressure and what you genuinely love and tap into where your creativity manifests. 


Adding to November’s Scorpio energy, Mercury transits into this sign on the 13th. When mercury is in Scorpio, you may find yourself discussing the more taboo aspects of life with those around you. This is a perfect time to express your deepest desires, fears, and troubles. You’ll also have trouble focusing on anything you don’t care about. Try to resist withholding information from others or not expressing how you truly feel during this time; otherwise, you could cause certain aspects of your relationships to become stagnant. 


Mars enters Taurus on the 13th and ignites the desire for you to find stability within your life again. During this process, you may feel aspects of your current foundation become loose, which helps you understand where you need to rebuild. The eclipse set this energy in motion, and Mars in Taurus is helping to move it forward. There’s no better time of the year to complete this process, because the Sun in Scorpio is a passionate placement that can help you find success and control your life. When the sun is in Scorpio, expect aspects of you to come to the surface. It’s time to let go of what no longer serves you, and release anything that’s previously held you back. As we transition into December, it’s a time for light-heartedness, peace, calmness, and resolution. Without this month’s powerful energy of clearing, transformation, and solidifying, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the positive energy toward the end of the year. 


Over the remainder of the month, allow the universe to clear away the old, helping to make room for the new in the new year. Reflect on the past year, highlight what worked, and make a note of what didn’t. There’s no better time to plant the seeds for the future than right now.


December astrological forecast 2022


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