Learning to Lead with The Emperor

The Emperor card in the Tarot represents the archetype of the King. He is the father figure of the Tarot as the Empress is the Mother, and he brings the energy of the divine masculine. He represents authority  and conscious reason. He builds, produces, and protects. 

There is a strong sense of duality within the Emperor archetype, and a subtle warning - with great power comes great responsibility. A ruler can be just and pure, or he can turn greedy, violent and sinister. 

History of The Emperor 

The archetype of the Emperor has played a major role since the dawn of patriarchal civilization. When we think of the Emperor, countless kings come to mind - rulers whose names transcend time and space and grace the pages of countless history books, and whose lives are the stuff of legends. 

In very early versions of Tarot decks we can see the Emperor personified as real life figures of the time like the Holy Roman Emperor in the Visconti Sforza tarot from 1463. The imagery of the Emperor enthroned in armor - the classic warrior king - has remained a popular representation of this card throughout time.

In the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which many modern Tarot decks pull their imagery from, we see the Emperor seated on a mighty throne, powerful and confident in his leadership role. The colors of this card are bright yellows and reds, speaking to the Emperor’s energy and power. 

The Emperor Associations 

The astrological association of the Emperor is Aries and the planet Mars. He represents the fierceness of the God of War. The color red that is so present in this card is said to represent the sun exalted in Aries. The element of this card is overwhelmingly fire. The energy is very active, Yang, and masculine. 

The secret metaphysical names of The Emperor are The Son of the Morning, and The Chief Among the Mighty. 

Symbolism of The Emperor Card 

Starting from the top of the card, The Emperor wears a mighty golden crown. This shows the Emperor as the ruler, the King, and a divine authority. The grey/white beard of The Emperor signifies his wisdom. The grey color occurs again in his massive throne. He wears armor signifying protection, and readiness for battle. 

In his hands he holds a scepter and an orb. The scepter has been a symbol of power since time memorial and is associated with good governance. There is a symbol of an Ahnk on the scepter which is an ancient Egyptian symbol of life. In his other hand he holds the orb which represents his power and dominion over the earth. 

The throne itself is decorated with ram heads which are a symbol of Aries, the astrological association of The Emperor. They are also said to represent his virility and the ability to create a lasting legacy. 

The Emperor’s surroundings have sparked some debate. The natural world around him appears somewhat barren which many argue signifies the land he has conquered. Even so, the water is still present at the bottom of the card. It represents the stream of consciousness that originates with the High Priestess’s robes and continues throughout the Major Arcana. 

The Meaning of The Emperor Card 

When The Emperor card comes up in a reading it often speaks to creating a strong foundation and working hard. It invites us to be ambitious and to not be afraid to claim our power. 

We have the authority over our own lives, and The Emperor can be a potent reminder that the only person you have to follow is yourself. He also expresses the importance of having control over our emotions, being rational, and making levelheaded decisions. 

If this card comes up for you, don’t be afraid to step into a leadership rule. The power is yours! 


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