What does it mean to raise your Frequency?

What Does it Mean to Raise Your Frequency?


Everything in the universe is energy and operates at a specific frequency. Each frequency holds its unique characteristics and experiences. As humans, our frequency is essential for our life experiences. We can change our frequency at will through our thoughts, choices, and actions.


If you operate at a very low frequency, the energy within your life will also reflect that energy.

If you operate at a high frequency, your experience will be full of high-frequency people, places, and things.


The law of attraction is the Universe's way of providing you with what you are a frequency match to, which is why it's important to raise your frequency to experience the life you desire.


Low-Frequency State


When you are in a low-frequency state of being, you can expect to feel heavier emotions, have darker thoughts, and have ill intentions, whether they are for you or others. You will also be unable to forgive wrong-doings, accept your current state of being, or have much inspiration or hope.


Why would we be able to experience such frequencies? Because we have free will. We can shape our reality whichever we choose and live our life, whomever we desire. But, with that much freedom, there must be safeguards that exist to prevent us from traveling too deep into chaos, which is where the lowest levels of frequency exist.


Life becomes restricted and unbearable when you're in a low-frequency state and you feel out of control of your reality. You have "low energy," which is the opposite of creation and life, meaning you don't have much empowerment over your own. You have no power over your experience except for the continual choices that you've made, keeping you in this state.


High-Frequency State


When you are in a high frequency, you are full of energy, and this energy is much more than physical. Your mind is clearer, you have creative ideas and are full of inspiration, and your external reality will feel like a movie. Have you ever walked into a store, restaurant, garden, or somewhere that felt wonderful as soon as you entered?


These feelings are what the high-frequency state experience is like, and it's likely due to those places operating at a high state. Think about nature—the unbound creative energies of the earth. Life flows as it desires, and there is little to no restriction.


The law of attraction works wonders for you when your frequency is high as it opens doors for you, helps guide you towards achieving your goals and desires, and allows you to experience a much more expansive and abundant life.


When you have a high frequency, you want to help others, help yourself, have positive intentions and goodwill, and refrain from creating harm or destruction. This is why you can experience much more influence over your life when you're in this state because you're in a place to know how to use it for the benefit of both yourself and the world around you.


Experience Your Best Life


Life is meant to flow without resistance, and you're meant to experience the life you desire. There are many ways in which life lowers your frequency due to being unaware of how this occurs. Raise your frequency, experience a better life, and let the law of attraction work wonders for you.


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