Upcoming Retrogrades 2020
If you have been keeping up with the Astro world you should be aware that we are literally about to enter retrograde central!
In this blog post I will be breaking down each of the 4 Retrogrades that are taking place within the next 6 months, so get comfy and get ready to learn about how exactly they will impact you and your life!
I will also be giving some powerful self reflection questions for you to really meditate and reflect on throughout these Retrogrades to make things easier for you, so let’s get into it!
Pluto has already stationed retrograde ( April 25th ) POWERFUL ENERGY, ending October 4th, 2020
Saturn just stationed RX ( May 11th ) Ending Sept 29th, 2020
Venus will be stationing RX ( May 13th ) ending June 25th, 2020
Jupiter Stationing RX ( May 14th ) ending Sept 13th, 2020
So with all that being said these next couple of months from now all the way to October, the energy will be shifting for EVERYONE big time.
Big Transformations, Rebirth, Reinvention and Epiphanies!
You can either go with the flow optimistically or go against it and give yourself a harder time by fighting the planets that are encouraging you to better yourself, heal from karmic debt and traumas.
Throughout this blog, I will be presenting you some questions to ask yourself and reflect on throughout the next few months.
The questions throughout this blog are also very great for journaling prompts, to get to know yourself and your values a bit better!
What has been presenting itself to you in your everyday life?
What situations and encounters have you been running into?
Have you noticed any repeating cycles going on in your life?
What ideas have you been feeling called to take action on in your life?
PLUTO asks you, “What are your fears? What parts of yourself are you afraid to heal/fix? What internal or external issues in your life have you been using as a crutch or excuse? EX: “ Well... I’m like this because of him. He turned me cold I’m stuck like this.”
Pluto wants to help you shed those old stories and outdated ways of thinking you’ve been walking with for a while, it’s time you’re ready.
What needs to be shed so you can level up in life?
What needs to be cleared out and purged from your life to boss up?
What is honestly holding you back in life?
What are you afraid to release? And why are you?
Wherever you have Pluto (Scorpio) in your birth chart will shine light on what area of your life this Pluto RX is going ton bring purging and transformation.
Example: “Pluto in the 4th house will bring transformation and rebirth to your home life, your family, the relationship with your mother, your childhood, your roots.”
SATURN asks you to analyze your duty’s in life, your responsibility’s, your daily priority’s. Are you stepping up to the plate and handling your responsibilities in life? Or are you running from them? BE HONEST DURING RETROGRADES, no need to lie to yourself, be vulnerable with yourself these next couple of months.
Saturn is going to make you face those responsibilities one way or another, Saturn teaches us that we cant just run from things because “They’re hard” or “You weren’t ready for the responsibilities that came with what you have now”
EX: your kid(s) Your bills, your job(s), your school work, etc.
Have you been using your time here on earth wisely or irresponsibility?
Saturn is here in RX to show us “ It’s time to put your big girl/boy pants on and GROW UP.”
Saturn also rules karma. Whether it is good karma or bad karma, Saturn is bringing it into your life during this Saturn RX. Even karma from Past lives! Like I said, it can be good karma or bad depending on your everyday choices and decisions that you make while the planets are direct.
What areas in your life do you honestly feel you could use more structure and time management?
How can you get more responsible with handling your non-negotiable tasks in life?
What tools can make your daily responsibilities easier for yourself? (Example: buying a planner and actually using it, starting a journal, a nicer pen that motivates you to actually use it!)
VENUS asks you are you truly happy internally with your life and how it is rn?
Don’t let ego answer this, let your higher self and soul answer this.
Yes, money might be good. You might be flexing on social media’s making it seem that way, but are you really happy? Mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.
Once again, don’t lie to yourself be honest? Venus will help us bring true happiness, pleasure and enjoyment back into our lives while she is retrograde.
The planet Venus rules love, money and pleasure.
She is such a beautiful planet and truly wants us all to enjoy the quality of our lives to the fullest!
Do the people you converse with and share space with on the daily really have your best interests or are the foes?
What is your relationship with yourself like? What are your insecurities?
What is your love language?
What is your definition of beauty?
What is your relationship with giving and receiving love?
Are you in a unhealthy and unhappy romantic relationship?
What is your financial situation looking like? Are you happy with it or can you revamp it a bit?
What is your relationship with money and spending?
Venus will uncover all of that, so be mindful of what pops up for you!
Lastly JUPITER asks us “What are your beliefs from your past that inform your view on the world today?”
The planet Jupiter is all about growth and expansion, I like to call it the lucky & abundant planet!
Jupiter wants to see us all thriving and growing and getting all of the success that we desire and deserve!
With Jupiter being in retrograde, it will be the easiest on us out of all of the other planets we spoke about above.
Jupiter will help us uncover and pin point the following:
What area(s) in your life are you not growing? (Be honest now)
What can you do to then help that particular area of your life grow and flourish?
Is greed or addiction blocking you from your success?
Is Codependency blocking you?
Is your EGO blocking you from your success and growth?
Is it certain low frequency music or TV content that is blocking you and stunting your manifestations?
Is it certain negative attachments to old friends or lovers that is blocking you?
Is it your anger issues or nasty attitude?
Is the victim role blocking you from leveling up and ascending? (“I am like this because of...”)
Once Jupiter being in RX is done with you, you will then be ready to catapult into all of your growth and success in life.
Closing this family remember, these retrograde can either make or break you.
The choice is yours, don’t make the mistake of falling victim during these next 6 months.
With all of these 4 planets being in retrograde at the same time, they are all teaming up and working together to help us all better our lives and get in alignment with our true north and destiny in this life.
Whatever pops up for you during these next few months please remember, it’s serving you in such beautiful ways in the long run! It might be heavy or scary to let some things go and shed some old skin, but it’s needed. Us humans are made to transcend, grow and evolve.
““It’s all happening for you not to you.””
Sending you so much love and light and I truly hope this helped you and inspired you to move forward fearlessly during this retrograde season.
We got this family! ❤️
I made a video on my YouTube channel discussing everything that is in this blog, so if you have yet to watch I would definitely recommend it!