What Venus Retrograde Means for Your Sign

Everyone talks about Mercury retrograde. But Venus retrograde packs a very powerful planetary punch. We call it retrograde because, from Earth, it appears as though Venus begins to spin in the opposite direction and thus shifting our perspectives and magnifying certain experiences and lessons. 

What is Venus in Retrograde?

On December 19th, 2021 Venus goes retrograde and stations right next to Pluto in the sign of Capricorn and will be in retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights.

Venus represents relationships, pleasure, indulgence, connection, sensuality, luxury, money, values, and expression. Capricorn, the sign where Venus will be in retrograde, isn’t as prone to these Venusian tendencies. So immediately, there is a level of friction. But it’s not all bad news bears. Discover what the planet of love has in store for you depending on your sun sign.

Aries - Be Playful

The temptation to ruminate about your past career choices and financial decisions will be at an all-time high as the ruler of finances goes retrograde. Overcome overthinking by staying in the present moment. Dig into your hobbies or pick up a new interest. There isn’t much you can do about the past, so just let it go. Money will come and go so don’t lose your sanity over it. Stay focused on what inspires you. Not all good investments are monetary.

Taurus- Honor Your Self-Care

Venus rules Taurus, so you’ll feel this retrograde a little more intensely than others. You may sense you’re not at home in your own skin. An urge for a drastic makeover could quickly spiral into an identity crisis. Rather than reacting to these feelings, take time to sit with them and practice extra self-love. Prime your home for a cozy 6-week retrograde and do things that make you appreciate your body like yoga, tapping therapy, acupuncture, or massages.

Gemini- Don’t Get Caught Up

You run the risk of getting caught up in friendship drama this Venus retrograde. But you’ve got a lot of things brewing for the year ahead so it’s important to be aware of where you’re spending your energy. Try to play Switzerland if your friends attempt to triangulate you into their issues.

Cancer- Spend Some Time Alone

Relationships will feel extra draining when the planet of love moves backward. Turn your need for connection inward and tap into the ultimate source of love. You may feel pulled between spending time with others and being alone. Opt for whichever is giving you more energy. Either way, connect to something that fills our cup.

Leo- Celebrate Friendships

Your someone special doesn’t seem to be swooning over you as they usually do. It’s a little rough on that ego of yours. But don’t worry, your besties are here to save the day. Your relationship isn’t going anywhere so consider this a season to celebrate platonic and professional connections. You can rekindle your romance once Venus goes direct.

Virgo- Embrace Change

Your routine and structure may feel a little shaken up during this time. But a break from the norm creates the perfect environment for you to explore other creative outlets. You might even think of ways to expand your streams of income. Now is a good time to explore these options but don’t sign off on anything until the end of Venus retrograde.

Libra- Heal Your Heart

The ultimate Venution, Libra you’re heart may feel extra heavy this Venus retrograde. Memories of lost love could have you swept away down memory lane. You might even hear from an ex (probably one you don’t care for). Now’s a good time to heal from any emotional wounds you’ve left unattended. Practice staying in the present moment and looking forward to the future.

Scorpio- Slow Down

It’s not hard for you to keep yourself busy, but Venus is bound to slow you down. With a little extra time on your hands, you may notice some repressed emotions come to the surface. Resist the urge to distract yourself from what needs to be healed. Is there anyone you need to forgive–possibly yourself?

Sagittarius- Spend Wisely

While all the other signs are in emotional uproar, you’re more likely to burn through your life’s savings during Venus retrograde. In search of the next big dopamine hit, you may be tempted to gun for some serious retail therapy. But the things you own are draining your energy. Clear out some space for something new, beautiful, and completely non-material. Your soul is craving a substance that shopping can’t offer.

Capricorn- Evaluate Your Direction

It’s important for you Capricorn, to feel like you know where you’re headed. As the planet of passion and pleasure goes retrograde in your sign, you may feel lost or the interest you once had in certain areas of your life has diminished. This could pass once Venus is direct, but in the meantime, audit your trajectory. Are you the same person you were when you made the goals you currently pursue? Have you outgrown a career, relationship, or project? Use this time to evaluate whether or not the things you’re doing today are creating a tomorrow that you can look forward to.

Aquarius- Spiritual Lessons

Introspection has always been important to you, but Venus is causing you to have a double-take. You may feel a bit more reclusive but don't feel guilty about being antisocial. You’ve got some inner work to do and Venus refuses to let you distract your way out of it. Use this time to sink below the surface of your consciousness and discover the fantastical spiritual realm within. Spiritual awakenings during a retrograde are profound, albeit a little rocky.

Pisces- Invest Wisely

Your time, your emotions, your money, your energy must all be invested wisely during Venus retrograde. It’s time to reassess the people, places, and things that hold lasting value. Everything else is a distraction. Venus invites you to become more discerning in who you love. Are there individuals who take advantage of your caring nature? Be sure others are investing in you the way you invest in them.

Venus retrograde is known for its tough love and it comes just in time for the new year to show us just what we’re made of.


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