The Historical Archetype of the Wheel of Fortune

The Consolation of Philosophy influenced the Wheel of Fortune’s powerful imagery by Boethius. The book describes the life of Boethius and how he went from experiencing a wonderful life to having everything stripped away from him. He describes his experience as similar to a life cycle, the different emotions that come with each phase, and the importance of being neutral throughout every experience. His work was popularized by many artists, who began illustrating his message as a wheel of life, which later was found within early tarot decks.

The Wheel of Fortune in the Major Arcana

The Wheel of Fortune appears directly after the hermit card. During this phase of your life, you’re going back into the world with a new perspective. You understand your life much deeper and have gained a rise in consciousness. When this happens, the Wheel of Fortune appears to mark the beginning of a new cycle. These cycles may not feel comfortable at first, but they are necessary for your growth and expansion. Right after the Wheel of Fortune is the Strength card, symbolizing that the transition you’re about to go through will help you reach a new stage of self-empowerment.

The Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot Readings

The Wheel of Fortune represents the various cycles and patterns you experience throughout your life. Sometimes these cycles are short-lived, and sometimes they are as long as seasons. Life is happening in a constant flow; whether the flow is forward or backward, you’re always moving throughout time and space. When the Wheel of Fortune appears, it’s a sign that you’re entering a new phase in your life and beginning to make forward movement. When this card appears, try not to decide whether or not the new phase will be positive or negative; just realize that you’re always moving, and make an effort to move forward. Work towards letting go of anything that no longer serves you to help you spin the Wheel faster.

When this card appears in reverse, it can be a sign that you’re going back in time. You may have to make a choice or decision that isn’t benefiting your growth and expansion. Instead, you’re repeating old patterns and only experiencing more of the same.

The Wheel of Fortune also suggests the idea of fate and how internal or external influences determine yours. Usually, if the card appears upright, you’re currently in control of your fate based on your choices and actions. If reversed, the Wheel of Fortune suggests there are external forces influencing the current fate of your life.

The Symbolism in the Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune depicts a spinning wheel etched with ancient symbols. These symbols represent the different elements found throughout the earth. The Wheel appears to be spinning, and surrounding it is mystical beings. There are zodiac symbols that represent fate or the planetary influence that governs your life. There is also the symbol of a snake and jackal, representing the fluctuation in consciousness and understanding as one goes through the different cycles of life.


The Symbolism in the Wheel of Fortune’s Surrounding

The Wheel of Fortune is surrounded by the sky and clouds; there is no land within the image. This symbolism suggests that the Wheel is orchestrated by the divine and is out of the control of the human being. The Wheel is divinely orchestrated by the universe or your guides, helping you move through the various life lessons and experiences your soul’s destined to experience.


Elemental and Natural Associates with The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is associated with the element Fire and the sign of Capricorn. The card also contains four zodiac signs, Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Taurus, found within the card’s imagery.

The Wheel of Fortune is associated with Jupiter, which is the planet of growth and expansion.


Contemplations on the Wheel of Fortune

You’re meant to experience the various highs and lows of your life in order to help you achieve a wise and more experienced sense of knowing. When the Wheel of Fortune card appears in a reading, it reminds you to accept the different areas of life that move you. It’s also a reminder that nothing is permanent, and everything that comes into your life will eventually leave. This helps you not hold on too tightly to a person or event and allow the universe to guide you toward as many experiences as possible.



The Historical Archetype of the Hermit Card