The Historical Archetype of the Hermit Card

The Hermit card depicts a friar or a man who exists within a religious community. He is a wise old man, resembling a sage or a prophet, who was likely very well respected by his community for his knowledge, guidance, and perspectives. There’s also symbolism with the man’s long white beard and lantern that suggest he lives in much older times. In ancient times, these men contained deep knowledge of the group they were a part of and kept this information internally. 

The Hermit in the Major Arcana

The hermit card describes a time in the fool’s journey when the individual begins to seek the truth. Up to this point, the seeker has gone through many challenges and emotionally charged situations, and it’s time for them to reflect inward in order to discover the true meaning of these events and what to expect moving forward after the hermit card comes the wheel of fortune, in which new cycles (or old) are birthed from what the Hermit learns (or doesn’t learn) during this time of reflection. They have just transitioned out of the justice card’s energy and are left wanting to understand themselves and the world around them on a deeper level. 

The Meaning of the Hermit in Tarot Readings

The hermit card describes a period where the seeker will begin to look for answers beyond what life has presented for them. These answers come from within and are a result of their own spiritual journey. The Hermit realizes they have all of the answers that they seek, but in order to uncover them, they must undergo a period of reflection, which means being disconnected from outside distractions. The Hermit’s name stems from the action needed to reach this deep understanding. But, this card can also reference a time when the seeker is spending too much time in isolation, which can stall their journey and restrict them from receiving the spiritual insight they seek. Without wisdom + experience, there is no growth or expansion happening on any level. 

The Symbolism In the Hermit

An older man wrapped in a cloak carries a lantern and staff in the card. The lantern containing a six-point star represents the position between time and space, where the Hermit exists while he seeks his spiritual purpose. The staff is associated with fire, or energy, which the hermit gains from retreating from the outside world and maintaining his own energy levels. His eyes are closed, and he seems to be looking downward, which symbolizes that his focus is now within. 

The Symbolism of the Hermit’s Surrounding

The Hermit stands on what appears to be snow. It’s likely winter where the Hermit stands, which resembles nature in its neutral state. The Hermit’s background appears to be a cool gray-blue sky, and a dead tree is in the background. 

Elemental and Natural Associations With the Hermit Card

The Hermit card is associated with the sign of Virgo. Mercury is also associated with this card, as it initiates an internal form of communication, one the seeker has with himself and the universe. The Hermit’s staff has ties with fire, which may help the seeker feel a new sense of inspiration or passion after their period of introspection. 

Contemplations on the Hermit Card

All of the answers anyone seeks are deep within themselves, but it takes intention and dedication to find them. When the Hermit card appears in a reading, it guides the seeker in two directions. First, they may benefit from going inward and truly examining the current state of their situation. If they’ve felt stuck or unsure of how to move forward, it’s time to ask your inner guidance to help them through this transition. The second direction the Hermit may guide someone is to come out of hiding. If they’ve spent a substantial amount of time alone but haven’t been benefiting from the experience they seek, the Hermit asks them to come back into the real world and gain experience through their relationships. 


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