Checking in with our hearts with The Lovers

For many of us who seek out the guidance that Tarot can provide, pulling The Lovers card can be super exciting. It’s certainly one of the most thrilling cards of the Major Arcana and has long been believed to foretell new love on the horizon, or serve as a reminder of Divine union and aligned partnership in existing relationships. In fact, as Tarot readers, relationships and matters of the heart are some of the main topics that we are asked about. Even those who don’t regularly practice Tarot will likely recognize the iconic imagery of The Lovers card. 

It’s definitely a great sign when The Lovers show up in a reading, but this card can mean so much more than love and romance. The Lovers are a card of duality, of choices, of soulmate connections, as well as a potent reminder to stay in alignment with your core values in life. 

The Lovers throughout history 

The Lovers card has changed significantly over the years, more so than most cards in the Major Arcana. In ancient decks, including the Tarot of Marseille, The Lovers was actually The Lover in singular form. In some old Italian decks there were three figures present below a Cupid-like figure who was believed to represent Eros. There was often a man depicted between two women. One woman represented love, while the other represented money and power. Perhaps the importance of choice, that we still assign to our modern interpretation of The Lovers stems from this older imagery when people often had to choose between love and power. 

It’s important to keep in mind when studying this card that marrying for love is a relatively new concept. Marriages and partnerships were often arranged for purposes of tying families together and to increase wealth or for political reasons. It wasn’t really until the American and French revolutions that the idea of marrying for love began to gain traction. 

In the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot we really begin to see this card take on a new meaning, with symbolism that reflects more modern archetypes. The scene of The Lovers is biblical in nature, and seems to picture nude Adam and Eve in an Eden like setting. 

Elemental and esoteric associations of The Lovers 

In the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot The Lovers carry two secret or esoteric names. They are known as The Child of the Voice of the Divine, and the Oracles of the Mighty Gods. From these names we can gather a lot about the deeper meaning of this card. They represent impulsiveness, inspiration, connection, and power in addition to love. 

The Lovers card is associated with the element of air and the sign of Gemini. Some decks even refer to them as The Twins instead of the Lovers and they bring into focus that Gemini duality. 

The Lovers are numbered 6 which is the number of communication and harmony. Interestingly, 2022 is actually the year of The Lovers, so hopefully that harmony begins to radiate throughout the globe a bit more this year. 

The symbolism of The Lovers

This card is ripe with symbolism. It has bright and joyful yellows, pure blues, and powerful reds and pictures the two nude figures in an idyllic natural setting. 

At the very top of the card is the bright yellow sun, which represents all the light, God energy, and our highest selves. Just beneath it we see an angel-like figure spreading its arms out as if in a blessing of the two humans below. Some believe this angel to represent the biblical angel Raphael who also had associations of air, just like the card. 

The human figures are thought to represent Adam and Eve within the garden of Eden before they have eaten the forbidden fruit. The topic of choice that is associated with this card comes up again here - will they choose to eat the fruit or remain in the garden? Their nakedness represents purity and innocence. It can also represent vulnerability in love. 

The trees on either side of The Lovers also align with the biblical story. Behind the female figure on the left is the Tree of Knowledge. It carries fruit, and we can see the snake entwined in its branches. Behind the male figure on the right is the Tree of Life with its 12 flaming fruits. 

The clouds that separate The Lovers represent the element of air, and they can also indicate a message of trouble brewing or a storm ahead. 

In the background there is a mountain which can also represent future challenges and speak to the journey that The Lovers must embark upon should they choose to proceed. Mountains symbolize the connection between the earth and the Divine. 

Possible interpretations of The Lovers in readings 

If you’re specifically seeking guidance on romance and relationships, the meaning of The Lovers can seem pretty clear. Love is in the Air! This card can indicate that a beautiful bond is beginning to flourish, or that a mutual attraction is starting to arise. It can also confirm that an existing relationship is truly in alignment even if there might be struggles and challenges at the present moment. 

If you aren’t looking for love at all, never fear! The Lovers still have guidance for you, regardless of your desired relationship status. The Lovers can serve as a reminder to check in with your heart when making big decisions and to ensure that you’re acting in alignment with your highest self and your soul's purpose. 


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