The Chariot

Overcoming Obstacles With the Chariot Card

The Chariot card appears in a reading when certain obstacles or challenges are present. Seeing this powerful card is a positive omen because even though there will likely be unfavorable circumstances, there's supportive energy to help you navigate these difficult waters. 

The Chariot Card Throughout History

The Chariot card depicts an armored man riding in a chariot cart. Two Sphinx pulls the Chariot, and the man appears to be leaving his kingdom behind. This image is likely associated with Alexander the Great, who rode off inside a chariot after winning the war against the Persians in 331 BC. After this accomplishment, the Chariot becomes a symbol of success, empowerment, strength, and achievement. 

Triumphal parades are ceremonial events associated with victory, wealth, and social status. Kings used these parades as a form of show in order to express their wealth and importance. They often rode in chariots surrounded by their army, parading around the villages and their people. 

In the 1430s, Trionfi, the original tarot deck, contained images of noblemen riding in chariots. 

Elemental and Esoteric Associations of the Chariot

The Chariot is the 7th tarot card in a deck. In numerology, the number 7 is associated with knowledge and spiritual strength. The Chariot often represents divine spiritual intervention assisting you through challenging times. 

The Chariot in this card is draped with a cloth covered in stars. The cloth represents the protection of the divine that's present with you, helping you overcome obstacles. 

Two sphinxes are positioned at the front of the Chariot, leading the man along his journey. These opposites represent the opposing forces present within a particular situation. The two sphinxes represent polarity, good and evil, and masculine and feminine energies. 

The symbolism of the Chariot

The Chariot card is full of powerful symbolism. A yellow sky glows in the background, symbolizing positive energy and hope. Behind the man is his kingdom, which he appears to be leaving behind. The kingdom symbolizes his journey of gaining experience and learning to depend on his own strengths in abilities to overcome all of life's obstacles. 

The chariot symbolizes success, accomplishment, nobility, and wealth. 

The two sphinxes carry the carriage and represent the opposition that lies ahead. The Chariot is pulled equally by these opposing forces, suggesting that he will find balance over them. 

The Chariot appears to have moved over the water and is now on solid ground. This symbolism foreshadows the man's journey, overcoming the rocky waters of a situation and making it to solid ground. 

Possible Interpretations of the Chariot in Readings

The Chariot card holds two main messages within a reading. If you're currently going through challenging times, this card appears as a sign of encouragement. Certain experiences feel too powerful for us to overcome, but the Chariot brings a positive omen that you will overcome your current obstacles and end up in a better place than you were before. 

If you're questioning taking action or making a decision in fear of what may conspire, the chariot suggests that your actions can lead you to certain challenges, but these challenges are conquerable, and you will move through them easily and effortlessly. The Chariot encourages you to make this leap because it will lead you to success and rewards. 


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