A Deeper Dive Into The Strength Card

The Historical Archetype of the Strength Card

Originally, the strength card was titled Fortitude due to the immense strength and power associated with this card. Many symbols have been used for the strength card, but the most common depiction comes from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. The card showcases a beautiful lion. In Persian and Arab culture, the lion symbolizes power, bravery, and authority. Strength has been associated with the astrological sign of Leo and the Sun. Strength was originally positioned as the 11th card, but later it became the 8th card in most decks.


Strength in the Major Arcana

The Strength card comes after the Wheel of fortune. This means that Strength symbolizes a time in the Fool’s journey where he may be tested as he enters new cycles. In the major arcana, strength symbolizes finding the courage to continue forward, even in the face of challenges, obstacles, or adversaries. Strength is more than physical ability or overcoming fear; there are many instances in our lives where we must cultivate strength to live authentically.


The Meaning of Strength in Tarot Readings

When the strength card appears in a tarot reading, you are going through a time where you must utilize your own strengths in order to succeed. If you’re currently going through difficulties, strength is a reminder that you have everything that you need already inside of you. Sometimes, fear is just an illusion that our minds and emotions use to protect us or a reaction that stems from our subconscious programming. The Strength card shatters the illusions and awakens the lion within you.

Strength can be felt in your words, choosing to speak with kindness or love. Strength can also be found in your actions, choosing not to cause pain or destruction. In the card’s image, a woman and a lion interact harmoniously, showing us that true strength comes from wholeness. The strength card may also indicate when you aren’t whole or complete within yourself, full of fear, and lack the ability to believe in yourself. If this resonates, reflect on times when you’ve felt strong in the past, and remind yourself of your innate abilities.


The Symbolism of Strength

The Strength card has one of the most positive images. A woman who wears an affinity symbol has a halo and is draped in a white dress and flowers. She’s hunched over as she pets a beautiful lion, who seems to be enjoying the attention. The interaction between the woman and the lion symbolizes the duality that exists within you. You are both a soul and an animal, and these two aspects of you should be utilized in harmony. Both the woman and the lion are without resistance, as naturally, a lion would be on the defensive, and the woman would be fearful. It takes great strength to overcome yourself and see peace within the world around you.


The Symbolism of Strength’s Surrounding

Behind the woman and lion is a bright yellow sky. The sky symbolizes the positive energy that exists within this card’s influence. There is also a mountain in the distance, either signifying that they have overcome a challenge by tapping into their inner strength or that they will soon face a time where bravery is needed.

Elemental and Natural Associations With the Strength Card

The Strength card is associated with the sign of Leo. The card embodies the fiery nature of this powerful sign. Strength is also associated with the fire element, initiating passion, ambition, and drive.

Strength’s astrological planet is the Sun, which represents the self or ego. The strength card can be beneficial when you are looking toward overcoming your identity and consciousness or striving to better your self-image.

Contemplations of the Strength Card

When the Strength card appears, reflect on any areas of your life where you don’t feel confident or brave. These areas may be challenged in the times to come, but Strength appears to remind you that these insecurities or weaknesses are just an illusion of your mind. Learn to let go of resistance, and if there’s any aspect of you that you’ve shunned or turned away, welcome it back into your awareness, as it just might hold the strength that you seek. You have everything it takes to continue forward and find the success you seek.


The Historical Archetype of the Hermit Card


The Chariot